アルゼンチン出身のエレクトロニカ、ダブ、ジャングルのプロデューサーが全曲コロンビアで録音したアルバム。楽器、ガイタやマリンバを多用したコスタ系アフロ音楽をエレクトロニカ〜ダブで処理したナンバーが並ぶ。ネオ・フォロクローレ的な感触も漂う新世代音楽。女性シンガー、La PerlaやTroy Berkelyなども参加。(サプライヤーインフォより)
Jungle master Krak In Dub’s new album Catleya is a vibrant hommage to Colombia and its incredibly diverse musical culture. Entirely recorded in Bogotá with the who’s who of today’s Colombian music scene, the album casts a brand new light on the fusion of beats and Latin-American traditional rhythms and instruments, blending reggae, hip-hop, breaks and house with cumbia , afrobeat, ska, and bullerengue.
Standing out on this sun-soaked yet heavy-on-the-beats-and-bass adventure is the appearance of female modern folk trio La Perla, the Afro-Colombian combo Absalon & Afropacifico, and Bermudian singer Troy Berkley.
1. “La Marimba Del Monte” (feat Absalon & Afropacifico) (3:21)
2. “Piel De Piedra” (3:44)
3. “Pedacito De Coco” (feat La Perla) (3:28)
4. “Negra Soy” (feat Monica Castillo & Mary Grueso) (3:20)
5. “Guajiralta” (2:59)
1. “Recogela” (feat La Perla & Troy Berkley) (3:59)
2. “Viche, Tumbacatre Y Arrechon” (feat Absalon Y Afropacifico – version) (4:01)
3. “La Gaita De Las Aves” (3:31)
4. “El Mexicano” (3:09)
5. “Mariposafro” (4:19)