V.A. Field Recordsngs from Madagascar / TO CATCH A GHOST


随分前ですが、マダガスカルの青年から聴いた話、マダガスカルの故郷以外の場所で死ぬと、先祖といっしょのお墓に入れず、死後の世界で一人彷徨うことになるという話(遺骨をマダガスカルに運んでも、無効だそうです)。実際、今でもそうなんでしょうか? 自分らの住んでいる家は仮の住まいだからお金や手間暇をかけることはせず、住んでいる家の隣にある先祖の家、つまり大きな墓の方をせっせと住みやすいものにしているという話…、というようなことも既に昔の話なのかも知れませんが、少なくとも、このフィールドワークで聞けるポリフォニー、コーラスや、様々な弦楽器のソロ、アンサンブル、弾き語りを聴いていると、今となっても、以前会ったマダガスカルの青年が言っていたことは、未だ有効という気がするのですが…。だからどう、という話ではないのですが、ところで、音質イイですねえ、アナログ盤しか出さないというのも頷けますよ。

This is Sublime Frequencies’ second volume of transcendent musical field recordings from central and southern Madagascar, produced by Charles Brooks. Like the grand beauty and wonder of its flora and fauna, Madagascar’s music is completely unique. Whether the tempos are fast with polyrhythmic precision or slow in the form of a Kabosy ballad, once one gets familiar with its sound, it can never be mistaken again. Charles Brooks has been traveling to Madagascar and living with these spectacular artists for many years and has managed to document countless examples of their work, and regardless of how formal or informal a recording is made, the results always turn out magical. The following is an excerpt from Brooks’ liner notes:

The musicians on this album are storytellers and much of their craft is improvised and has a strong foundation of expertise in their respective cultural traditions. These field recordings have been collaborative from beginning to end and here, I’ve attempted to represent the finest of these talented artists. Their music journeys across endless landscapes with some movements having the qualities of a start and finish and yet no apparent end… Seeking, recording, and sharing the intangible experience, the best of all of this, is to catch a ghost.

•Charles G Brooks (2018)

(Limited edition LP with two-sided insert featuring images of the artist and highly detailed notes of the recording sessions)

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