1 Biadh Vagho
2 Leyin Lebyadh
3 K’hall Kâr
4 Khal Niame Gheiss et Leila
5 Seyni Kâr
6 K’hall Vagho
7 The Mode Kâr
8 Zrague el Billawi [Instrumental]
Liner Notes – Dr. Jharna Bose
Liner Notes, Mastered by Diz Heller
Recorded, Photography by Deben Bhattacharya
Field recordings made in 1978 in Mauritania.
Field recordings made in 1978 by ethnomusicologist Deben Bhattacharya. Recorded in nomad tents of the Sahara regions of Mauritania, these recordings highlight the griot traditions of this region with their special instruments ardin (harp of the Sahara), tidinit (lute) and t’bol (kettle drum). Pictures plus extensive liner notes about music and instruments in English, German, French and Spanish.