セスカイン・モレンガ(アフリカン・フィエスタ / OKジャズ / レス・バクバ等を遍歴) & カロ・モウォンゴロ(経歴謎)というコンゴ人の歌い手でありミュージシャン(もちろんリンガラ語で歌っています)が参加〜本作はリー・ペリーが自身のブラック・アーク・スタジオ(キングストン)で、70年代後半に制作した作品だそうです。ボリス・ガーディナー(Bass)、アール・チナ・スミス(Guitar)、あるいはセネガルのワシス・ディオップ、ほか腕利きジャマイカ人ミュージシャン達が集い、録音されました。1979年に仏 SONOAFRIC でLPリリース、その後、TROJAN より 1991年にCD化されるものの、長らく入手困難となっていた音源ですね。
が、ま、それはともかく、冒頭曲 ” African Roots” に針を落とせば、その摩訶不思議な音楽性は明らかで、強いて言うなら、漆黒のアフロ “ラガ” ロック!?とでも…、当時、既に流行していたいわゆる”アフロ・ロック” とはひと味もふた味も違いますね。こんな音源を今更聞かされると、ありえもしない妄想の一つとして、やっぱり、ナイジェリアへ出向いて、シュラインにフェラ・クティを訪ねて共作してほしかったですねえ、リー・ペリー!?ふたりとも、まずヘヴィーに、太い、煙の出るもので、意気投合間違いなしだったと思いますよ(タバコじゃないッス!)。

The Belgian labels Planet Ilunga, specializing in researching, documenting and releasing Congolese music from the fifties to seventies, and Roots Vibration, devoted to reissuing classic roots singles and albums, join forces for the first time. Together making one of the most enigmatic reggae albums available again. Recorded and produced in the late seventies at Lee Perry’s Black Ark studio in Kingston, Jamaica.
The album that the Congolese artists Seskain Molenga (African Fiesta National, Orchestre Les Bakuba, TPOK Jazz…) and Kalo Kawongolo recorded together with Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry is a most remarkable project to surface from the Black Ark studio. It’s also one of the most misrepresented of Perry’s productions, with myriad explanations for its existence falling far short of what actually happened.
The intention of the original band, formed in France by the producer Bernadette Duget and composed of a mixture of Congolese, Senegalese and French musicians, was to head to Jamaica to record a rock album with African undercurrents in Lee Perry’s Black Ark studio. However, in Jamaica things didn’t go according to plan and the project turned out to be a failure. The Congolese duo Seskain Molenga and Kalo Kawongolo continued working with Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry and this collaboration would eventually bear an unexpected reggae fruit. These recordings were originally released on LP in 1979 and re-released in 1991, yet the vinyl album remains highly sought-after.
Now finally re-issued with extensive liner notes by the London-based journalist, author and reggae aficionado David Katz (assisted by Bart Cattaert for the interviews with Seskain Molenga). This reissue sheds more concerted light on the complex tale that lies behind the work. Most notably thanks to the emergence of new eyewitness accounts such as Seskain Molenga, Wasis Diop and Lee Perry.
The debut album by Seskain Molenga and Kalo Kawongolo remains a unique slice of musical ingenuity, an intoxicating sonic storm that resulted from their temporary presence at the magical space of the Black Ark.
The sound recording and quality of the original album is a story on its own (you will be able to read about this in our liner notes). It was quite an odyssey to get the sound right, without losing the original energy and ambiance of the recordings. We think we made it, but we invite you to listen for yourself. (メーカーインフォより)

1. African Roots
2. Bad Food
3. Moto Ya Motema
4. Mengieb
5. Nakoya
6. Guipimbu Gienu

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