V.A. / 大都會上海 METROPOLIS SHANGHAI, showboat to china

独自な視点を持って、音楽と土地を結びつけるアルバムを制作し続けて来たドイツのこだわりレーベル=ウィンター&ウィンター、最新作のテーマは戦前の~“魔都”上海です。1930~40年代の上海をめぐる数々の音源を、さまざまなサウンド・コラージュ、フィールド・レコーディングとともに聞かせる環境音楽的なCDとなりました。「夜上海」「二泉映月」「中国行きのスロー・ボート」ほか~エキゾティシズム&ノスタルジーに満ちた戦前アジアのコスモポリタン都市・上海が、音で描かれたCDです。雰囲気ありますねえ。(Winter & Winter 香港リリース盤)

1 A Young Girl Sings —”Ye Shanghai” [“Shanghai Nights”] 1:49
2 “The Moon Over A Fountain” 5:54
3 In The French Concession 2:28
4 The Bar At The Peace Hotel In Shanghai—”Slow Boat To China” 3:11
5 At The Piano Bar—”Ye Shanghai” 1:57
6 “Strolling On The Street” 5:56
7 “Raindrops Rattling On The Leaves Of Bananas” 4:56
8 In The Harbour—”Der Weana Is’All’Weil Leger” 2:31
9 In The hustle Of Bubbling Well Road 0:45
10 “Sehnsucht” 2:44
11 “Khsidishe Nigunim” 2:29
12 “Dem Rebns Khosid” 2:20
13 In Shanghai’s Little Vienna—”Frisch Gewagt” 2:55
14 The Refuge For The Jews—”Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen” 3:15
15 Bells And Chants At The Long Hua Temple 6:58
16 1937 Outbreak Of The Second Sino-Japanese War 2:41
17 A Young Girl Hums Under The Shower —”Ye Shanghai” 1:07
18 Aikoku Koshinkyoku 3:25
19 “Ambush On All Sides” / “Graduation Song” 8:01
20 “Birds Flying Back To The Woods” 4:16

During the first half of the 20th century, Shanghai was divided into territories: the French Concession, the International Settlement (“owned” by England and the U.S.), the Chinese/historical city, and the Jewish Ghetto. Chinese and Philippine swing bands were entertaining the decadent society in bars, hotels and dance clubs. Jews from Vienna, Munich and Berlin were playing in café houses in Little Vienna. Chinese musicians were performing traditional Chinese entertainment music, mixed with Japanese military music…and everywhere the song “Night Over Shanghai” could be heard.(メーカーインフォより)


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